Programme SAP RFKOPR00 - Vendor Appraisal with OI Sorted List

Vendor payment history with OI (open items) sorted list

This evaluation is used for determining, as accurately as possible, thecurrent payment status for vendors requiring special attention.
As criteria for this evaluation, you can use

  • Current data from the master database such as

  • Balances on an open item basis

  • or special G/L balances.

  • In addition to the payment status analysis, the program carries out ananalysis of the vendor open items for the report. Items you select arestructured according to the user-defined time pattern, and outputaccording to business area.
    Using a control statement, you can select one or more criteria for theanalysis:
    Due date list of open items by due date for net payment
    • (analysis type = net)

    • (due date for net payment - key date)

    • Due date forcast by cash discount days 1
      • (Analysis type = Dsc)

      • (Baseline date for pmnt + cash disc.days 1 - key date)

      • Due date list of open items by document date
        • (Analysis type = Old)

        • (key date - document date)

        • Days overdue of the due items
          • (Analysis type = Ovr)

          • (key date - due date for net payment)

          • Example of the open items analysis

            • Document date:,,,,,, 04/01/1992

            • Baseline date for payment:,,,,,,04/05/1992

            • Terms of payment 1,,,,,, 8 days / 5 percent,

            • ,,,,,,,, 2 14 days / 2 percent,

            • ,,,,,,,, 3 21 days net

              • Key date:,,,,,, 04/15/92

              • Due date for net payment of the item:
                (Baseline date for payment + net days)
                Sorted list:
                (*) indicates the totals column of the sorted list, in which theabove example of an item is used for the different evaluation types.
                A) Due date for net payment (net) =
                (due date for net payment - key date)
                04/26 - 04/15 : 11 days
                I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I
                I I from 1 I from 11 I from 21 I from 31 I from 41 I
                I to 0 I to 10 I to 20 I to 30 I to 40 I I
                Explanation of column 1:
                Items overdue
                Explanation of column 6:
                Items due in 41 or more days.
                B) Cash discount 1 - due date
                (Baseline date for payment + cash discount days 1 - key date)
                04/05 + 8 - 04/15 =-2 days
                I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I
                I I from 1 I from 11 I from 21 I from 31 I from 41 I
                I to 0 I to 10 I to 20 I to 30 I to 40 I I
                Explanation of column 1:
                Items overdue with cash discount 1.
                Explanation of column 6:
                Items due in 41 days or more with cash discount 1.
                C) Lists sorted by age (age)
                (key date - document date)
                04/15 - 04/01 = 14 days
                I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I
                I I from 1 I from 11 I from 21 I from 31 I from 41 I
                I to 0 I to 10 I to 20 I to 30 I to 40 I I
                Explanation of column 1:
                Items with document dates after the key date
                Explanation of column 6:
                Items that are 41 or more days old.
                D) Days overdue (Ovr)
                (key date - due date for net payment)
                04/15 - 04/26 = -11 days
                I 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I
                I I from 1 I from 11 I from 21 I from 31 I from 41 I
                I to 0 I to 10 I to 20 I to 30 I to 40 I I
                Explanation of column 1:
                Items are open but not yet due.
                Explanation of column 6:
                Items are 41 or more days overdue.
                General Note:
                The time axis in the analysis types Net and Dsc represents futuretransactions (forecast of incoming payments).
                The time axis in the analysis types Old and Ovr shows past transactions(analysis of overdue items).
                Logical database: VD (vendor database)