Programme SAP RFKLET01_NACC - Accumulated Balance Audit Trail

The Report "Balance Audit Trail" for historical or open-item balanceaudit trail. The data is posted to database tables. The data isdisplayed with one of the reports that support this.

1. Create Balance
The required documents and transaction figures are read and posted tothe database tables. Data that is already in the balance isoverwritten.
You can start several jobs at once. It makes sense to ready onlyarchives with one job, while the other job or jobs read(s) the residentdocuments.

4. Delete Balance
When the balance is deleted, the required data records are removed fromthe balance. This can be quite time-consuming. You should thereforeconsider the alternative of resetting the balance (parameter: resettables) after taking the required lists.

Space requirement for database tables. An entry of approximately 250bytes in length is written per document line. However, this valuedepends on the database.
Using the parameter 'alternative account number', the alternativeaccount number information can also be transferred to the balance.

Historical Sorting
Historical sorting is available for accounts receivable, accountspayable and General Ledger accounts (asset accounts are treated asGeneral Ledger accounts). The balance contains the documents andtransaction figures of all accounts for the chosen time period. Thebalance is sorted by: account type, company code, account, businessarea, posting date. The fiscal year and the posting period specifywhether the document is processed.
The 'Do not read documents' parameter is used to read transactionfigures only.
With the 'Suppress Reconciliation' parameter, no reconciliation is madebetween the transaction figures and the documents in the balance audittrail. This makes sense if only a part of the data, for example onlyarchived files, has yet been processed.

Open-Item Sorting
Open-item balance audit is available for accounts receivable, accountspayable and General Ledger accounts stored as open items. The balancecontains the documents of all accounts. The balance is sorted by:account type, company code, account, suspense account data. A documentis processed if it is still open or if the clearing date is in therequired period.