Programme SAP RFKLBU10_NACC - Account Details from Historical Accumulated Balance Audit Trail

Report RFKLBU10 is the print report for the accumulated classicalbalance audit trail. It documents the transactions of the customer,vendor and G/L accounts. It processes the balance sheet for theaccumulated classical balance audit trail. RFKLET00.

You have created a balance sheet for the accumulated classical balanceaudit trail.

Report RFKKBU10 documents the transactions on customer, vendor and G/Laccounts in the classical sense (sorting by posting period and postingdate). The data is taken from the balance sheet of the classicalbalance audit trail and has already been presorted.
The list contains the transaction data of the selected period (lineitem) in addition to general data of the accounts (address,reconciliation account and account currency for personal accounts andaccount number, business area, account currency and account descriptionfor G/L accounts). For the personal accounts, the line items aredisplayed per sales indicator. At the end of every sales indicator theoutput of a totals table is carried out in which the debits/creditstotals per posting period are displayed.
For customers and vendors, there is no breakdown into business areas.
One-time account assignments are always displayed under the one-timeaccount number. Here, no one-time addresses are printed.

Output of totals information
All totals information is output in the form of a period table in whichthe balance carried forward, the debits/credits totals per period underreview, balances per period under review and cumulative balances perperiod under review are listed.
At the end of the table, the corresponding totals are additionallyoutput via all periods and the new balance. During the assignment tothe personal account, the sales and the cumulative sales per period areprinted.
The output of the tables is carried out for the personal accounts atthe end of a sales indicator, of a company code, and at the end of anaccount type.
At the end of a company code, period tables of all G/L accounts postedin the sub-ledger account area, are printed (reconciliation accounts,special G/L accounts).
Here the balance carried forward is taken from the corresponding G/Laccount in comparison to an open item account balance audit trail wherethe balance carried forward is created from the open items.).
These tables can be reconciled directly with the tables from the G/Laccount part, providing you have NOT made any selections by account.
If you are only printing a small number of customer and vendoraccounts,you should not print the G/L account totals, since the balancecarried forward is determined from the reconciliation account.
The output of the period table in which all G/L accounts were summed upin a company code is carried out afterwards.
At the end of an account type, the totals table is output for allcompany codes. In the G/L account part, the period tables are output inaddition to the company code and account type totals at the end of abusiness area. If the G/L accounts are divided according to businessareas, the output of a totals table for all business areas of anaccount is additionally carried out. These totals tables are can bereconciled with the G/L account tables from the sub-ledger accountsection. For foreign currency accounts, the totals tables are output inforeign currency and in local currency.
If the list does not start with period 1, then in the case of vendorand customer accounts, line item totals and the carry forward balanceare displayed together as the carry forward balance.
If the list does not start with period 1, then in the case of vendorand customer accounts, line item totals and carry forward balance aredisplayed together as the carry forward balance.
In the case of G/L accounts, the carry forward balance is derived fromthe transaction figures, meaning the line items are not used to displaythe carry forward balance. Accordingly, reconcilable lists can also begenerated for G/L accounts, even if not all the documents exist, forexample if old data transfer takes place during the fiscal year.
If no line items exist in the G/L account part for an account, totalsinformation is taken from master record information, otherwise alwaysfrom the line items. If G/L accounts are selected via the restriction'G/L ledger account without line items', the totals details are made upof the master record information section for these G/L accounts.
The report can also run as a pure summary report. Three variants areprovided for this. In all of these variants, no line items are printed.If you select 'Summary report 1' from the report request screen(variant 1), all totals tables are printed.
If you select 'Summary report 2' (variant 2), the period tables are notprinted for each sub-ledger account that has a special G/L indicator.The remaining tables are output.
'Summary report 3' only prints the totals per company code.