Programme SAP RFKLBU10 - Account Details from Historical Accumulated Balance Audit Trail

Report RFKLBU10 is the print report for the accumulated classicalbalance audit trail. It documents the transactions of the customeraccounts, vendor accounts, and G/L accounts. It processes the balancesheet for the accumulated classical balance audit trail.

You have created a balance sheet for the accumulated classical balanceaudit trail.

Report RFKKBU10 documents the transactions on customer, vendor, and G/Laccounts in the classical sense (balance carryforward, sales per period,final balance). The data is taken from the balance sheet of theclassical balance audit trail.
The list contains the transaction data of the selected period (lineitems) in addition to general data of the accounts.
Balance carryforward is taken from the transaction figures of thebalance audit trail.
Monthly sales on the customer and vendor accounts are always taken fromthe documents.
The monthly sales of the G/L accounts can be taken either from thedocuments or from the transaction figures (selection option G/LAccount without Items).
You can use the parameter Old Local Currency to change thecurrency key of the local currency for the task. It is only useful to dothis if you are editing a balance sheet for accumulated classicalbalance audit trail that was created before conversion to the euro andnow needs to be output in the converted system. No currency translationis performed.
Statistics regarding the number of records read appears at the end ofthe report.
You can configure the output list for individual users.
You can use the functions of the ABAP List Viewer to configure thelist.