Programme SAP RFKK_SELP - Program RFKK_SELP

Preparations for OI evaluation

The program is a help program that is used for preparation forevaluating open items. Objects can belong to differing object types thatdefine the purpose of the object. If an object type is active, you canget more information about this type by clicking on the informationbutton.

Objects that are defined in this program can be used in other reportsfor selecting open items (for example, RFKKOP04).

According to the object type, multiple hierarchies are constructed anddisplayed in tree format. The object processing takes place in the firstpart of the processing screen. New objects are added to the hierarchy.
Unfortunately it is not possible to include the objects in a transportrequest. However, you can export some objects (object types) in a localfile and then import them into another system. An object type onlysupports export and import if the selection Export in File isactive.

To create a new object, select the function key Create New Selection
, or Create from the menu. You can only createcustomer selections via the externalinterface.