Programme SAP RFKK_REG_DEL - Delete Obsolete Subscriptions

trados = fi

You use this program to delete obsolete subscriptions.
From a technical point of view, here a subscription is an entry in tableDFKKREGOBJ.
Archiving of table DFKKREGOBJ is not planned. Therefore, you candelete entries if they are obsolete.

In productive operations, you create or delete subscriptions using theservice ContractAccountReceivablesPayablesRegisterERPRefe
You can display the subscriptions of a business partner or a businesssystem in transaction FP_REG.

A subscription is obsolete if the check date has been reached and one ofthe following conditions applies.

  • The specified business partner does not exist.

  • The specified business partner is indicated for deletion and there are
  • no open items for this business partner.
    • The specified contract account does not exist.

    • The specified contract account is indicated for deletion and there are
    • no open items for this contract account.
      • The specified combination of business partner and contract reference is
      • invalid (check by event 0205).
        • The specified document does not exist.

        • For insurances: The specified ICDR does not exist.
        • Features
          The program executes a selection access to table DFKKREGOBJ anddeletes the entries identified as obsolete in a single LUW.
          For table entries checked with this program after the check date haspassed but that are not obsolete, the check date is set 365 days in thefuture. These entries will be checked again in one year at the earliest.

          Using the business partner selection, you can restrict the processing toa smaller selection set. This is useful if there are a large number ofobsolete entries in the system.
          Run the report without the Test Run indicator.

          There is no output list.
          The program merely issues an information message about the number ofdeleted entries.

          You have a lot of old subscriptions in your system and you want toreduce the data set.
          Divide the business partner numbers into 100 intervals and schedule thisreport (RFKK_REG_DEL) for each interval with a job that checksthe subscriptions of an interval and deletes the obsolete entries.