Programme SAP RFKK_RECLASS_DUEGRID - Posting of Reclassification by Due Date

Post Reclassifications by Due Date

According to some accounting principles, you are required to displayreceivables separately if they have a due date more than one year in thefuture.
This report is for creating and entering the related adjustment postingsfor open items in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable as part ofclosing operations.
Based on a data export (see below), the report generates a postingproposal that you can then post. If there are several exports for a keydate, the report posts the difference between the amounts that havealready been posted and the current export.
If the affected items have been exported with a specific local currency(first, second, or third # see the parameter Currency Type of Open ItemList for Key Date), then the report only posts the amounts in this localcurrency; it does not enter values in other amount fields. For exportswith no currency type, values are entered in all amount fields. If anexport contains several company codes, to which different localcurrencies are assigned (as compared to the requested currency type),then the report cannot post reclassifications of this export in one
document. In that case, you have to split the export first, and thenpost the individual partial exports.
If the affected items were exported with document currencies, then anexport can possibly contain multiple document currencies; then youcannot post any adjustment documents. In that case, you also have tosplit the export first. Then, during posting, you have to enter thedocument currency that is contained in the export. The system proposesthis currency in the posting specifications. If document currencies wereexported along with a currency category, then the system posts both thelocal currency and the transaction currency in the adjustment document.

You first have to export open items, which you want to reclassify, todatabase table DFKK_DUEGRID. You create this export for a key date, andenter a due date grid, using report RFKKOP03 (KeyDate-Based Open Item List). On the SAP Easy Access screen, chooseClosing Preparation -> Open Items at Key Date. The reportconsiders only those items that are open on the key date, but not yetdue. You can also set the Consider Installment DueDates indicator for the determination of due dates. Then the systemalso considers the due dates of installments of any higher-levelinstallment plan agreements that exist.
There is an open item in the amount of 1000, with a due date on October1, 2009 (posting date November 1, 2008). There is an installment planagreement for it with a total of 10 installments of 100 each (due dates:10/01/09, 11/01/09, 12/01/09, 01/01/10, and so on). The report is runfor the key date December 31, 2009 without considering the installmentdue dates, and shows a 1000 due before December 31, 2009. Taking theinstallment due dates into consideration, the report for the open itemsshows a result of a total of 300 that is due before December 31, 2009(less than one year) and a total of 700 that is not due until afterDecember 31, 2009 (more than one year).
If you set the Inst.Plan Due Dates Separateindicator when generating the export, then the export shows open itemsseparately, if their due date was determined from an installment planagreement.
If you only want to execute the reclassification for one of the two itemtypes, then enter only values for that item type in Customizing forposting area 1355. You define the adjustment and target accounts inposting area 1355 in Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable andPayable under Closing Operations -> Reclassifications -> Define Adjustment Accounts forReclassification by Due Date.

The tree structure shows all exported reclassifications, sorted by keydate. When you select an entry, the following data is displayed:

  • Transfers were already posted for the export:

  • In addition to the export data, the data for the posted documents isalso displayed.
    • Transfers were not yet posted for the export:

    • If no errors were found, the program also proposes a posting in additionto displaying the export data. After completing the header data, you canexecute the transfer for the export.

      The first line shows the status of the current export. If the statusindicates an error occurred (the icon @02@ appears), you cannot post theexport. Possible causes of the error include:

      • Error in Customizing (posting area 1355)

      • You are not allowed to combine posting with and without currency
      • category and with and without transaction currency for the key date.
        If you still want to post such an export, you have to delete the exportsposted previously. However, this is only possible if you manuallyreverse the posted documents.
        • A posting would lead to a document that is not allowed to be posted.

        • In that case, you have to first split the export. It is possible thatyou might have to split the export twice # once for each documentcurrency. Not until the export does not contain a document currency, orcontains only one document currency, is it possible to split the exportfor each company code.
          If you manually reverse documents already posted for the export, thereport recognizes this. You can delete a posted export for which bothdocuments have been reversed. However, if only one document wasreversed, the system designates the export as having errors, and thebalances of the adjustment accounts are also incorrect.