Programme SAP RFKK_RECLASS - Posting of Reclassification

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Posting Reclassifications

You can use this report to make automatic adjustment postings forcustomers with credit balances and vendors with debit balances inContract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
If there are several exports of reclassifications for a key date, thereport posts the difference between the amounts that have already beenposted and the current export.
If the reclassifications have been exported with a specific localcurrency (first, second, or third see the parameter Currency Type forreport FPO1), transaction FPRECL only posts the amounts inthis local currency; it does not enter values in other amount fields.For exports with no currency type, values are entered in all amountfields. If an export contains several company codes to which differentlocal currencies are assigned in comparison to the required currencytype, transaction FPRECL cannot post reclassifications of thisexport in one document. To do this, first split the export and thenpost.
If the reclassifications were exported with document currencies, theremay be several document currencies in one export and an adjustmentdocument cannot be posted. The export must be split first. In theposting, enter the document currency that occurs in the export. Thiscurrency is proposed in the posting specifications. If documentcurrencies were posted with a currency category, both the local currencyand the transaction currency are posted in the adjustment document.

Reclassifications that are to be posted must first be exported to thedatabase. You can display and export reclassifications for a key dateusing report RFKKOP03 (key date-related open item list,transaction FPO1 or FPO1P). Even though the open itemreport can also calculate the reclassifications for summarizationaccounts (TFK020VK) and summarization company codes (TFK020VB
), it always exports and posts to the original accounts and companycodes.
You define the correction and target accounts in posting area 1350 inthe Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payableunder Closing Operations -> Reclassifications ->Define Correction Accounts.
For detailed information, see SAP Note 719926.


In the tree structure, all exported reclassifications are displayedsorted by key date. When you select an entry, the following data isdisplayed:
The export has already been posted.
In addition to the export data, the date for the document posted is alsodisplayed.
The export has not been posted yet.
If no errors were found, the program also proposes a posting in additionto displaying the export data. Once you have supplemented the headerdata, the export can be posted in two new documents.

The first line shows the status of the current export. If the status hasan error (recognizable from the red cross), the export cannot be posted.A cause of the error could be:
Error in Customizing - posting area 1350
Posting with and without currency category and with and withouttransaction currency for the key date cannot be combined. If you stillwant to post such an export, you have to delete the exports posted pre
viously. This is only possible if you reverse the documents postedmanually.
A posting would lead to a document that cannot be posted. The exportmust be split first. A split may be carried out twice once due todocument currencies if necessary and then, only if there is no or onlyone document currency in the export, the split is carried out by companycode.
If you reverse automatically created documents for the export, thetransaction recognizes this. You can delete a posted export for whichboth documents have been reversed. However, if only one document wasreverse, the export is designated as defective and the balance of theadjustment accounts are also incorrect.