Programme SAP RFKK_ORG_MODEL_DN_ERP - Create Organizational Model in ERP

You can use this program to automatically create the organizationalmodel for disconnection notifications. In addition, you can assign oneor more users to the various positions of the organizational model.

Creating the Organizational Model
The program automatically creates the following organizational model:

  • Organizational unit: Notification Department 1

  • Task: FICA Department for Notifications
    Position: Notification Department 1 Manager
    • Organizational unit: Notification Unit 1

    • Task: FICA Group for Notifications
      Position: Notification Unit 1 Supervisor
      Position: Notification Agent 1
      • Organizational unit: Notification Unit 2

      • Task: FICA Group for Notifications
        Position: Notification Unit 2 Supervisor
        Position: Notification Agent 2
        If the organizational model has already been created, the CreateOrganizational Model radio button is not active.
        Assignment of User to Positions in the Organizational Model
        The user specified in the User List field is automaticallyassigned to the selected positions in the organizational model. Ifseveral users are to be assigned, you can enter the user names in theUser List field with a space between each name.
        If the organizational model has not been created yet, the Assignmentof User to Position radio button is not active.
        The organizational model uses the following positions:
        • Position: Notification Department 1 Manager

        • To be able to manage worklists for disconnection notifications(transaction FPWLMN), the user must be assigned to a senior position.Managers of a notification department can distribute work itemsbelonging to the department, and belonging to all subordinate groups, totheir employees.
          • Position: Notification Unit 1 Supervisor (the same applies for
          • the position Notification Unit 2 Supervisor)
            To be able to manage worklists for disconnection notifications(transaction FPWLMN), the user must be assigned to a senior position.Supervisors of a notifications group (who are responsible for a workgroup) can distribute all the work items assigned to the work group tothe employees of the group.
            • Position: Notification Agent 1 (the same applies for the position

            • Notification Agent 2)
              Users must be assigned to this position if they want to display andprocess work items in the IC WebClient. They can then display the workitems that are assigned to them and their group.
              Assigning the tasks FICA Department for Notifications and
              FICA Group for Notifications to organizational units makes itpossible for the system to determine the organizational units that arerelevant for disconnection notifications. In addition, the tasks controlthe automatic assignment of work items.