Programme SAP RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER_HIDE - Deactivation of Parameters for Mass Activity Runs

Hiding Parameters for Parallel Program Execution

Parallel processes are executed in regular intervals.
Parameter records are created for different transactions and storedunder separate run IDs.
If the runs have reached a certain age, they are no longer required andcould actually be a hinderance when using the input help.
This program can hide runs that have reached a certain age that youspecify in a parameter.
At first, the runs remain on the database but are indicated such thatare no longer displayed in the input help.

This report can be applied to all mass activities for Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable.
The database entries are physically removed by the reportDelete Mass Activity Runs

Old parameter records must be available for the mass activity.


A payment run is to be executed each month. The due date and the issuedate are both set for the 5th of the month.
You want to use the input help to provide only the last three runs.
Call up the report.
Specify the type of mass activity.
Specify 01.01.20XX as the "From Date".
Specify as the "To Date".
Once you have executed the report, only the runs for the last threemonths are displayed.