Programme SAP RFKK_MASS_ACT_PARAMETER - Copy and Move Parameter Records for Parallel Processing Jobs

Parameter adjustment for executing programs in parallel

You should carry out parallel processes at regular intervals.
For this purpose, you should execute using similar parameter records.However, individual parameters, such as date of issue and the number ofprocesses should be changed.
This report does exactly that.
You can copy and adjust existing parameter records in the SAP system tocreate new ones.

This report is an important part of the integration between jobs thatcan be executed in parallel, for examplecorrespondence printing or paymentrun. Parameter records in particular can be created in this way andthen processed with a concatenated method using thejob commander

There must be at least one parameter record in the system so that youcan use it to copy or move.


You should execute a payment run each month, setting the due date anddate of issue to the 5th of the month.

  • Create a first payment run in the SAP system that suits your
  • restrictions.
    • Using the report, move the payment run that has already been created to
    • a payment run that contains the restrictions for the next month.
      You can either move it in conjuction with the run date, or by a certainnumber of days
      • You can now start the payment run interactively or you
      • can schedule it using the job commander