Programme SAP RFKK_INSTPLN_HIST_DISPLAY_ALV - Overview of Installment Plans

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Display Installment Plans

This report creates an overview of all installment plans that qualifyfor the selection criteria.

The following general restrictions are possible:

  • Company code

  • Business partner

  • Contract account

  • Contract

  • The following special restrictions are possible:
    • Installment plan umber

    • Document number

    • First and last date of the installment plan

    • Currency

    • Remaining open amount

    • Deactivation date

    • Deactivation reason

    • Installment plan category

    • The following additional restrictions are possible:
      • Display variant

      • Display deactivated installment plans

      • Check due date

      • Expand all nodes
      • Output
        On the left side of the screen, an ALV tree appears. The nodes are asfollows:

        • Business partner

        • Contract account

        • Installment plan number

        • The business partner appears with abbreviation, name, and address.
          The contract account and the installment plans appear with the number.
          On the right side of the ALV tree additional details for the installmentplan are listed.
          On the right side of the screen, there are two empty ALV grids. Theseare filled with installment plan item data or data for the originalreceivables when you click on the installment plan.