Programme SAP RFKK_ENH_RDI - Check and Create Enhancement: Revenue Distribution

Automatic enhancement of Revenue Distribution
After the enhancement you can use revenue distribution in the form ofenhanced revenue distribution based on distribution keys.

For the document table DFKKOP, the report checks theinstallation-specific enhancement CI_FKKOP to check whether thefields DISKEY (Revenue Distribution Key), DISTYP (RevenueDistribution Category), and DISPER (Distribution Period) havealready been added by means of the enhancement structure FKK_ENH_RDI
For the billing document table DFKKINVBILL_I, the report alsochecks the installation-specific enhancement CI_FKKINVBILL_I todetermine whether the field DISKEY (revenue distribution key) hasalready been added by the enhancement structure FKK_ENH_RDI_INVBILL
In an update run - the indicator Only Check Enhancement is notset - the report adds existing structures and creates missingstructures where necessary.
For new objects, the system requests the required package in an inputdialog. Local objects are not permitted here. In a further dialog boxyou have to specify or create the correction request where all new andchanged objects are to be included.
Deactivation of fields
You can deactivate the fields again # but only manually. To do this youhave to remove the fields DISKEY, DISTYP, and DISPER
from the Customer Include CI_FKKOP again. You then have toconvert database table DFKKOP. Do the same with tableDFKKINVBILL_I.
If a large number of data records are affected, the conversion can takea long time. We therefore recommend that you carefully consider beforeactivating the field and then adhere to this decision.

List of the activities carried out or to be carried out.