Programme SAP RFKK_ENH_OPORD - Check and Create Enhancement: Classification Key

trados = docu -> fi -> fica

Automatic installation of the enhancement Classification Key

Once you have installed the enhancement the field Classification Key
appears in the document. The functions possible for theclassification key correspond to a large extent to those for thereference number:

  • Inheritance in all items

  • Selection option for open items

  • Reversal of all documents for a classification key
  • Features
    For the document tables DFKKKO, DFKKOP, andDFKKORDERPOS and the transfer structure BFKKKO, theinstallation-specific enhancements CI_FKKKO, CI_FKKOP,CI_FKKORDERPOS, and CI_BFKKKO are checked to dete
    rmine whether the field OPORD (Classification Key) has alreadybeen added via the enhancement structure FKK_ENH_OPORD.
    For the table DFKKKO, the program checks whether an index hasbeen created for the field OPORD.
    In an update run (the indicator Only Check Enhancement is notset), existing structures are extended if necessary, missing structurescreated, and an index created for OPORD if no suitable indexexists.
    For new objects a dialog box appears where you can specify the packagerequired. Local objects are not permitted here. In a further dialog boxyou have to specify or create the correction request where all new andchanged objects are to be included.
    If the field OPORD is also to appear in the tables for automaticpayment transactions (DPAYH and DPAYP), set the parameterAlso for Automatic Payments.

    List of the activities carried out or to be carried out.