Programme SAP RFKK_ENH_CCARD - Check and Generate Enhancement: Payment Card Data

Automatic Installation of Enhancement for Payment Card Data

After the enhancement is installed, the following fields are availablein the payment card supplement for the payment document: Subarea,External Key, and Transaction ID.

For document table DFKKOPKC, the report checks theinstallation-specific enhancement CI_FKKOPKC in order todetermine if the fields KEYPP (Subarea), ENCVL (ExternalKey) and XTRID (Transaction ID) were already added.
For the table DFKKOPKC, the report checks whether an index hasbeen created for the field KEYPP.
For document table DFKK_PCARD, the report checks theinstallation-specific enhancement CI_FKK_PCARD in order todetermine if the fields ENCVL (External Key) and XTRID(Transaction ID) were already added.
In an update run (the indicator Only Check Enhancement is notset), the report extends existing structures if necessary, createsmissing structures, and creates an index for KEYPP (in tableDFKKOPKC) if no suitable index exists.
For new objects a dialog box appears where you can specify the packagerequired. Local objects are not permitted here. In a further dialog boxyou have to specify or create the correction request where all new andchanged objects are to be included.
If you also want the fields to be available for the business partneritem in the table for the payment card supplement (DFKKOPC), thenset the parameter Extend Table DFKKOPC.