Programme SAP RFKK_CVSPAY_CONFIRM - External Payment Collectors: Transfer Payment Data

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In some countries, customers can also pay their invoices to externalpayment collectors, such as chain stores, banks, or post offices. Thesepayment service providers report the receipt of payments in two steps intwo separate files:

  • Advance information

  • This file informs you that a customer has paid an invoice, but does notguarantee that the payment will be received. The advance informationdata is transferred in a payment lot.
    • Confirmation file

    • The receipt of payments is confirmed in the confirmation file andtherefore guaranteed.
      This program transfers the payment data of the payment service providersfrom the confirmation file to Contract Accounts Receivable and Payableand updates it in table DFKKCVS. It transfers all valid payments fromthe interim account (bank clearing account) to the 'final bank clearingaccount. Data records are valid if they have been reported in advanceinformation and in a confirmation file.
      The program creates exceptions for payments that fulfill the followingcriteria, and you can process these exceptions later in a clarificationlist:
      • There is no advance information for the payment.

      • The payment has already been confirmed.

      • The payment has already been recalled.

      • The payment amount is not correct.

      • The advance information and the confirmation have different amounts.
        The program confirms all valid payments and
        • Sets the status of the data reported in advance to Confirmed (from
        • 01 to02)
          • Calculates the stamp tax due on the payment amount and, if necessary,
          • sets the relevant indicator
            • Sets the date of the confirmation (current system date)

            • Assigns a document number for the payment document posted

            • Sets the clearing reason

            • Posts the payments received under one reconciliation key
            • Prerequisites
              In the confirmation file, all fields must have character format. Everyline can only contain one structure.
              The report expects the following information for each file. Thissequence must be strictly adhered to:

              • One file header (BFKKCVS) for each external payment collector

              • Any number of items for each external payment collector (structure
              • BFKKLCVS)
                • One header item that always starts with 0 and is followed by the payment
                • collector code
                  • Items starting with 1 and followed by the following fields:

                  • Payment Collector Code (DFKKCVS-CCODE)
                    Payment Form Number (DFKKCVS-NRZAS)
                    Payment Date (DFKKCVS-PFDAT)
                    Payment Amount (DFKKCVS-BETRZ)
                    Examples of an incoming file:
                    ,,,,,,1711 00000000404720030417 333
                    ,,,,'0' ,,,,,,,,File header indicator
                    ,,,,'711',,,,,,,,Payment collector code
                    ,,1711 00000000404720030417 333
                    ,,,,'1',,,,,,,,Item indicator
                    ,,,,'711',,,,,,,,Payment collector code
                    ,,,,'000000004047',,Payment form number
                    ,,,,'20030417',,,,Payment date
                    ,,,,'333',,,,,,,,Payment amount



                    • Identification: Identification of the current run

                    • This identification is used in the clarification list to determine theexceptions created for all incorrect payments by the confirmationreport.
                      • File name

                      • Name of the confirmation file on the application server, for example,D:\usr\sap\KK4\D44\work\cvs1.rtf.
                        • Document type

                        • Reconciliation key: Default reconciliation key

                        • Simulation indicator

                        • There are no postings in simulation mode.