Programme SAP RFKK_CARPRSUBSCRRQ_TEST - Test f. Service ContractAccountReceivablesPayablesRegisterERPReference

Test program for the service interface ContractAccountReceivablesPayable

The service is a Request without Confirmation.
You can use this service to create a subscription for the service
ication_Out. From a technical point of view, a subscription is anentry in table DFKKREGOBJ. The Service ContractAccountRece
ivablesPayablesRegisterERPSubscribedItemBulkNotification_Out sendsnotifications about the clearing or clearing reset of receivables andliabilities (from a technical perspective: business partner items) tointerested receiver systems. For these business partner items, thesystem creates one notification for which a subscription exists.
The subscription can be made using these objects:

  • Contract account

  • Document number

  • Contract reference

  • ID of an ICDR (Insurance Industry component)

  • ID of an ICDR in an external system (Insurance Industry
  • component)
    You must use only one of these objects.
    For each subscription, you are also required to enter the businesspartner. You can use either the internal number of the business partneror the number from the external system.
    The asynchronous service receives the notifications without returningany confirmation. This test program is only allowed to issue an errormessage in the case of technical problems with system communication.
    The system is supposed to transfer the subscriptions to the tablewithout checking for the existence of the registered objects. However,if you use external references (number of business partner in externalsystem or ID of ICDR in external system), then the system tries todetermine the corresponding internal numbers (business partner or ICDR).If that is not successful, then the inbound notification is sent to theFEH (Forward Error Handling) tool. This applies even if it is a requestfor deletion of a subscription.
    If the system processes a request for deletion of a subscription thatdoes not exist, the system does not issue and error message; thenotification is considered to be correctly processed.
    If the system processes a request for creating a subscription thatalready exists, the system simply updates the time stamp for the entry(column Last Changed On).

    You receive a list of the registrations for the specified businesspartner.

    Check if the requested subscription is displayed (or, if it was deleted,that it is no longer displayed).