Programme SAP RFKK_BP_EXTR_EXP - Business Partner Data Extraction

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The report creates an FI-CA business partner extract and exports this astext file.

In Germany, auditors must have access to all document posted in the last10 years as part of the German Tax Reduction Act. In Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable, all documents are therefore stored in short formin tables DFKKKO_SHORT, DFKKOP_SHORT, andDFKKOPK_SHORT (provided byFPDE_EXP, FPDE_IMP). You can managethe data for the business partners for these documents in tableDFKKGP_SHORT. You can use the following functions for this:

  • FPDEP_EXP: Export extract (reduced business partner) to a file

  • Import business partner extract to table DFKKGP_SHORT
    • FPDE_EXTR:
    • Export data extract (reduced data from DFKK*_SHORT) for furtheranalysis purposes (audit)
      • FPDE: Overview of imported extracts

      • FPDEP_DEL: Deletion of imported extracts
      • Selection
        You can only select the business partners by partner number. You needthe fiscal year to differentiate between different datasets. This meansthat all partners can be exported and imported once in each fiscal year,and the documents posted in this fiscal year refer to the partners fromthis extract.


        CSV for SAP Import
        The report generates a file with an extract from the selected businesspartners. The file consists of several records; each record is displayedin a line. The fields are separated by semicolon (;).
        The following record types are used:

        • 00 Fields for each record type used

        • PH Extract header, once per file

        • BP Business partner data

        • You can import data in this format to an FI-CA evaluation system (

          SAP Audit Format
          In the SAP Audit Format, the file contains a data description in thefirst eight lines. This format can be imported directly to IDEA. Foreach table exported, a separate file is created. The file names arecreated from the record types described above.

          The report selects the fields of the structure FKKGP_SHORT_IN.
          If you require additional fields, enhance this structure. The fields arethen copied from the structure FKKGP_SHORT_IN to the structureFKKGP_SHORT. In this structure you have to enter the samefields asin FKKGP_SHORT_IN. The report automatically selects only thefields of table FKK_GPSHAD. You can also enter other fields thatare not in table FKKGP_SHAD in FKKGP_SHORT_IN.These fieldsmust be filled in event 9553. All of the fields of structureFKKGP_SHORTare output in a file.