Programme SAP RFKK_BOLETO_SINGLE - Boleto: Create a single Boleto from Open Items

Creation of a single Boleto. This functionality was created to handlethe creation of single Boletos. It is also used for creating Boletosfor installment plans. It allows a manual selection of the open items tobe included in a Boleto. The principle for the selection of open itemsis identical to the mass creation of Boletos.

Customizing: same as the mass creation of Boleto (transaction FBO1)

1.,,Enter a business partner/contract account and the bank where thepayment should be made.

The online creation of Boletos works as follows:
a.The system produces a list of open items available for manualselection.
b. Choose the open items and click on the icon #Create# for generatingBoletos, the internal Boleto number will be provided. The bank, enteredin the selection screen, where the payments should be made is assignedto the Boleto.
c. 'Save' will create the Boleto and create an entry in the table of theBoleto header data (DFKKBOH) and items (DFKKBOP) with a date and run ID.The payment amount is updated in the database.
As in the mass creation of Boletos, the system creates one Boleto perbusiness partner/contract account/payment method and due date. The openitems that are included in a Boleto will not be available for selection,unless the Boleto is cancelled.
Note: A document which is included in a Boleto can only be reversedafter the Boleto has been cancelled otherwise it is blocked forreversal.