Programme SAP RFKKZA00 - Archiving of Payment Lots: Write

Report RFKKZA00 carries out the first step in the archiving of paymentlots in FI-CA: Creation of an archive with payment lots.
Report RFKKZA01 carries out the second step:Deletion of payment lots based on the archive created in the firststep.
The relevant archiving object is FI_MKKPAYL.
The report checks the life of the selected payment lots once they havebeen successfully posted and archives them once the life has expired.You can define the life of a payment lot in Customizing, whereby itmust be a minimum of 30 days. If you define a life that is less than 30days, the system automatically corrects the value. For all payment lotsthat fulfill these conditions, the report then archives thecorresponding table entries.

The following checks prevent a payment lot being archived:

  • Error ERR_NPOST:

  • Posting has not been carried out
    • Error ERR_NOLD:

    • The end of the life has not yet been reached.
      (Date of last change + life > archiving key date)