Programme SAP RFKKREQEF - Create Earmarked Funds Document for Standing Request

As a rule standing requests are valid for several years, earmarked fundson the other hand refer to one fiscal year only. This means that youhave to create new earmarked funds documents for existing standingrequests once a fiscal year has closed.
You can use this program to create these new earmarked funds and updatethe corresponding standing requests after the fiscal year has closed.

You select standing requests in accordance with company code, fiscalyear, and request number(s). The program checks whether the earmarkedfunds documents in the standing requests selected are still valid in thespecified fiscal year. If the relevant earmarked funds document is nolonger valid, the system creates a new earmarked funds document andenters the number of this document in the standing request.

The program issues a results list once processing has finished.