Programme SAP RFKKREPT - Display Receipt History

This report displays an overview of all receipts printed for a paymentdocument that meet the selection criteria. The overview is displayed inthe ABAP List Viewer. The display format can bemodified to meet individual preferences.

You can display the overview of the receipt history for the paymentdocuments as follows (note that you can specify a different layout foreach method and select the layout under Output Parameters):
Output of individual receipts with the pushbutton Execute:
In this layout, the receipts that match the selection criteria aredisplayed individually. For payment documents for which no receiptexists, a line is simulated that does not contain the information savedbased on a print. Based on these simulated lines, it is then possible togenerate a print from the report. Note: to output these simulated lines,the indicator Display Only Receipts must not be selected.
Output without line item display:
If you choose No Line Item Display, the amounts, net amounts, andstamp tax amounts are output as a total based on the company code, clerk
, branch office, and cash desk. This output, too, uses the line items that were included in that totals line.
You can make the following selection specifications:
Restriction of the company code, receipt number, or payment documentnumber. Selection by the entry in the field Clerk outputs thereceipts for which that clerk either received the payment or printedreceipts.
Report to Tax Office
If this indicator is selected, non-reversed receipts relevant to stamptax and for which stamp tax was posted are output.
Display Only Receipts
No additional lines for payment documents without a receipt aresimulated.
Incl. Reversed Receipts
Only receipts that have not been reversed are displayed.

In the line item display you can:
Print a receipt for a selected payment document (can be printed morethan once)
Go to the mass receipt printing transaction (FPREPTM) for printingreceipts from the payment run
Reverse one or more receipts if the corresponding payment document hasbeen reversed without reversing the receipt as well. This can happenwhen you are reversing the payment document and automatically reverseonly the last printed receipt when more than one receipt exists.
Display the number of displayed payments without receipts, the number ofreceipts (with or without stamp tax) and a statistic with the number ofreceipts as a function of the amount of the posted stamp tax.
Navigate to the display of the payment document
Within the display without line items, you can:
Display the number of displayed payments without receipts, the number ofreceipts (with or without stamp tax), and a statistic with the number ofreceipts as a function of the amount of the posted stamp tax.
Navigate to the display of the line items that were included in theselected totals lines