Programme SAP RFKKRDI_REPORT - Analysis of Revenue Distribution Based on Original Documents

This report lists the individual items of distribution information thatthe Mass Activity: Revenue Distribution transaction (FP60M)entered in revenue distribution table DFKKRDI. The information isselected from the original documents (documents that contain amounts tobe distributed).
Distribution information generally consists of the amount to bedistributed and the final recipient/distribution target. Note, however,that the original line item can have several items of distributioninformation. For example, this is the case for adjustment postings forrevenue distribution or if several final recipients are specified for anoriginal (sub)item.

The Mass Activity: Revenue Distribution transaction (FP60M) musthave already written the distribution information to table DFKKRDI.

You can select the distribution information according to the followingcriteria:

  • Selection conditions (original document)

  • Business Partner
    Contract account
    Original document number
    Distribution group (only for enhanced revenuedistribution)
    • Selection conditions (distribution document)

    • Contract account of final recipient
      Company code
      • Selection condition (distribution run)

      • Date of the distribution run executed with transaction FP60M
        Identification of the distribution run executed with transaction FP60M
        You can also select payment information for the original document.
        In Classic Revenue Distribution, you can also select simulated assignedpayments.
        The Read Aggregated Versions option (only for enhanced revenuedistribution) specifies that aggregated distribution information is alsoconsidered. If this is the case, the values for all entries that are tobe distributed with the aggregated distribution information are selectedfrom table DFKKRDI_AGGRF instead of table DFKKRDI_RATE.

        The results list contains all fields of the structure FKKRDI.
        The report offers the following output options:

        • Display in ALV grid

        • The data is displayed in an ALV list. You can restrict the number ofhits.
          • Print (using ALV grid)

          • Instead of displaying the data in an ALV list, you can write them to thespool. You can also restrict the number of hits here.
            • File

            • All data is selected sequentially and written to the correspondingfiles. A separate file is created for one of the following: Eachbusiness partner of the final recipient, each contract account of thefinal recipient, or each company code of the distribution document. Inevent 5430, you control the file output for the data selected. Forexample, you can define the format in which the data is written to thefiles.
              If you display the data in an ALV grid, you can click on the followingfields to display further details:
              Business partner of final recipient
              Contract account of final recipient
              Contract of final recipient
              Original document by clicking on the document number, repetition item,item, or subitem
              Business partner of original document
              Contract account of original document
              Distribution document (or reversal distribution document with offsettingitem)