Programme SAP RFKKRD00 - Revenue Distribution: Create and Post Documents

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Creation and posting of documents for revenue distribution

The program creates and posts documents to distribute revenues fromadministrative assistance, use of value-added services, or thederegulated telephone market to final recipients. Entries of tableDFKKRDI of revenue distribution are processed.
From the entries to be distributed according to the selection criteria,for each final recipient, and other criteria such as currency, maintransaction and subtransaction , the system creates totals (summariza
tion fields see structure FKKRDFINAM). For each total createdthis way, the system posts a distribution document. In the revenuedistribution tables (DFKKRDI), the revenues distributed with eachdocument are stored in the document number field (OPBELD).
To create the totals, both paid receivables of a final recipients and,for example, conditional open receivables from a clearing reset(adjustment record with adjustment indicator X) from the customer areadded, provided they are contained in a distribution run. The amount ofthe distribution document corresponds to the difference between the rev
enues to be distributed and the adjustment records. In the special casewhere the receivables due from the final recipient and the revenues tobe distributed to the final recipient total to zero, two documents areposted in the amount of the receivable, but with opposite +/- signs.
For individual cases, you can suppress the creation of totals for thedocuments and post individual documents. To do this, you have to set therelevant indicator for posting individual documents in the Imp
lementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable underBusiness Transactions -> Distribution of Revenues ->Define Specifications for Derivation ofFinal Recipient. If the indicator is selected, the mass activityRevenue Distribution (
FP60M) evaluates the indicator and sets a relevant indicator inthe distribution table DFKKRDI.
When you post an individual document, the reference document number andthe classification key - if these had been added to distribution tableDFKKRDI - are transferred to the distribution document.
Since revenue distribution is based on totaling of a large number ofdocuments, for performance reasons, you should only use the individualposting option for individual cases.
If the Negative Posting function is active at company code level,adjustment records are entered in distribution table DFKKRDI withthe Negative Posting indicator in the mass activity RevenueDistribution (FP60M). In this program, the revenues to bedistributed and the adjustment records with the Negative Posting indicator are not totaled; instead, they are posted in separatedocuments. Adjustment records are posted negatively if negativepostings have been activated for the document type used.

You have to create revenues that are to be distributes before thedistribution with the transaction FP60M Mass Activity:Revenue Distribution.


Here you can select the revenues to be distributed according to thefollowing criteria:

  • Number of the distribution run realized with transaction FP60M

  • Date of the distribution run realized with transaction FP60M

  • You can have the system propose the reconciliation key for the postingor enter it manually. Also specify the posting and document date. Youcan also carry out a test run.

    If processing has been completed, the system issues a log. This containsthe documents created and posted and any errors that occurred.