Programme SAP RFKKQST60 - Adjustment of Statistical Withholding Tax Items (Recalculate)

Program RFKKQST60 adjusts the statistical items in receivablesdocuments.

Whether the business partner can retain withholding tax when paying areceivable (customer withholding tax) depends on the businesstransaction and on the business partner. Whether the business partner isentitled to retain the tax is specified in the contract account. Hereyou can specify the tax code to be used. If a document is posted,statistical items are supplemented automatically to the amount of thewithholding tax that is expected to be retained.
As a result of legislation, the withholding tax rate can change betweenthe time of the invoice creation and the time of payment. In such case,the tax rate at the time of payment is decisive. To ensure that thecorrect amounts are posted automatically, the statistical items in thereceivables documents must be adjusted. You can use programRFKKQST60 to do this.

Using the selection criteria, the open items with statisticalwithholding tax credit lines are determined. The statistical credititems are recalculated, taking into account the relevant withholding taxcode. In test run mode, if there are differences, the original items arecompared with the newly calculated ones. In update run mode, if thereare differences, the original statistical credit items are cleared andnew withholding tax credit items are created.
For relevant withholding tax codes you can select from the following:

  • Contract account withholding tax code.

  • In this case, the withholding tax code of the contract account inquestion is used to recalculate the statistical credit items.
    • Line item withholding tax code.

    • In this case, the withholding tax code of the underlying line item isused for recalculation.