Purpose You use this program to automatically process information in areturn file> you receivefrom a clearing house or bank. The file can include: Confirmation that all prenotification data sent was correct Incorrect data, such as an invalid bank account number, or Update on business partner, for instance, cancellation of direct debitagreement This program currently supports the following incoming file formats:
- BR_DD (Brazil)
This corresponds to the Brazilian AUTODEBIT format. The incoming filethat you process with this program contains prenotification data (forwhich it creates a prenotification lot with the results of theautomaticupdate of master data) as well as bank statement details ondirect debitpayments (for which it converts to MultiCash files andoffers further processing with the Data Transfer from Bank Statement toPayment/ReturnsLot program (RFKKKA00)).
- DK603 (Denmark)
- AUTH (Finland)
- ACH (United States)
Prerequisites You must make the following settings in the Implementation Guide forContract Accounts Receivable and Payable,> under BusinessTransactions> -> Payments > -> Reporting of Incorrect BankData> ->
- Configure Error Reasons>
- Assign Error Reasons to Institutions>
Additionally for Denmark, a Business Add-In is available that enablesyou to delete business partner CPR and CVR numbers after you haveprocessed the return file from PBS. You can create an implementation inthe Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable andPayable,> under Business Transactions> -> Payments> ->Incoming/Outgoing Payment Processing> ->Add-In: Deletion of CPR/CVR Numbers (Denmark) >. Additionally for Brazil, you need to make the Customizing settingsdescribed in the report documentation for the DataTransfer from Account Statement to Payment/Returns Lot> program(RFKKKA00). In event 0963 listed there, you can enter function moduleFKK_BSTM_RETURN_REASON_0963, which extracts house banks' return reasonsfrom notes to payees for return lots. In addition, in theImplementationGuide for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable,>under Business Transactions> -> Payments> ->Incoming/OutgoingPayment Creation> ->Define Payment Agreement for Payment MediaFormats (Brazil),> you need to maintain anypayment agreements> you haveestablished with banks regarding the collection of business-partnerpayments.Selection Enter selection parameters as required, depending on the payment mediumformat you process:
- Return file to be imported
- How prenotification lot is to be processed
- How return file is to be processed
This option is for the United States only. Since theACH> may also send bankstatement details (information on payments carried out) in the returnfile - in addition to confirming any incorrect data sent to it in aprenotification file - this program also converts the file intoMultiCash format, which enables the system to carry out furtherprocessing if specified.