Programme SAP RFKKORD01 - Display Documents Generated from Requests

List of Requests

The program lists all requests of request class 1 and information fromcorresponding FI-CA documents that match the selection criteria. Theselection of requests and the limitation of hits occurs according to theselectionthrough the interval Request number, Document date andPosting date. You can limit the number of hits even more by usingfurther restrictions.


Select requests by:

  • Request number

  • Document date

  • Posting date

  • Further restrictions

  • The maximum set of hits selected is limited to 250 data records. However
    , you can overwrite this number.

    By default, the results list contains the fields Request Number,Name of Request Category, Document Date,Indicator X
    for the approval, Status of Request, Creator,Entry Date, Document Type, Document Number,Posting Date of Document, Reversal Document Number.
    If a field in the list is underlined, you can go to the detailed displayby double clicking. This calls the following transactions:

    • Request number Display Requests (FKKORD1_EXT)

    • Document Number Display Document (FPE3)

    • Reversal document number Display Document (FPE3)