Programme SAP RFKKOP10 - Reconciliation Between Open Items and G/L

This report reconciles Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)with the relevant general ledger (FI). The current balance for all (orthose specified) reconciliation accounts and tax on sales and purchasesclearing accounts is reconciled.
The following balances are determined per company code, business area,and reconciliation account:

  • Balance of the current open items in FI-CA

  • For down payments, the tax on sales and purchases clearing account isalso relevant.
    Statistical items are not evaluated.
    • Current balance of FI-CA reconciliation accounts in the general ledger

    • Balance of FI-CA reconciliation keys not yet transferred

    • Balance of FI-CA adjustment totals records not transferred

    • Report RFKKOP10 creates a totals sheet with the balances for thereconciliation accounts. The Status field in the list indicatesdifferences per company code, business area, and reconciliation account.The Missing OIs field indicates that a reconciliation account hasa balance in the general ledger, but there are not relevant open itemsin FI-CA.
      IF &[SWITCH]FICA_EHP5& = 'X'.
      You can monitor the status of the reconciliation with the general ledgeras part of business process monitoring in SAP Solution Manager.
      If you have made the necessary configuration in SAP Solution Manager,then the system, in which the reconciliation runs, sendsalerts to SAP SolutionManager using an RFC connection. You can then process the alertscentrally in the alert overview in SAP Solution Manager.
      For more information, see the SAP Library for SAP Solution Manager onthe SAP Help Portal at -> SAP Solution Manager
      -> Release/Language -> Business Process Operations ->
      Alert Overview.

      For a correct reconciliation, there should be no postings in FI-CA orfrom FI-CA to the general ledger while the report is evaluating thedata.

386701FP-DIFF-GL: FI-CA reconciliation differences for general led