Programme SAP RFKKOP04 - Item List

Report RFKKOP04 works in two different modes:

  • Evaluation of open items for a key date

  • Evaluation of all items posted in an interval

  • The list is always created for any selections of master data. You candefine the selection of the open items and the layout of the report tomeet your requirements.

    Open item selection
    You should not use this report instead of RFKKOP03. Althoughreport RFKKOP03 has better performance, RFKKOP04 providesmore flexibility.

    Rules for the key date
    An item is an open item with regard to the key date if one of thefollowing prerequisites is met:
    If the item is open with regard to the system date, the posting datemust be before or the same as the key date.
    If the item is no longer open, the posting date must be before or thesame as the key date, and the clearing date after the key date
    If the item is no longer open, the clearing date is after the key date,and the posting date is after or the same as the key date, but theposting date of the clearing item is before the key date, the clearingitem is an open item with regard to the key date.
    If you do not enter a key date, the report determines the items that arecurrently open.

    Selection of posted items
    The report selects all items with a posting date within the interval youenter. It is irrelevant whether the items were open or cleared in theinterval For this selection, you cannot use some of the key-datespecific functions of the report, such as dunning history for the itemor the due date list.
    In the standard system, the report selects the items from table DFKOP(source table).
    If you define function module FKK_SAMPLE_9567_TO_DB at event 9567, thenthe system stores the items in table DFKKOP_REP. For an additionalreport run for the same key date, you can access table DFKOP_REP.
    If you implement function module FKK_SAMPLE_9567_TO_DB, you may have tocreate additional indexes for table DFKKOP_REP.
    You can use report RFKKOP_REP_DEL to delete any data in table DFKKOP_REPthat you no longer need.

    Rules for selecting items
    You can define preselections for business partners, contract accounts,contracts and open items. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choosePeriodic Processing -> Technical Preparation -> Define Preselection
    . After saving the selection criteria, you can schedule the selectionand store the results. On the SAP Easy Access screen, choosePeriodic Processing -> Technical Preparation -> Create Preselectionsfor Business Partner or Define Preselection for Contract Accounts
    You can use this predefined selection in the Master Data Selection
    simultaneously with the selection options for business partner,contract account, or contract.
    In the Selection of Items, you can also combine the company code,business area, or general ledger account with a predefined selection.
    If you only allow items from company code 0002 through the predefinedselection, and you simultaneously select company code 0001 explicitly,no items are selected.
    If you only allow items from business area 1000 through the predefinedselection, and you simultaneously select company code 0001 explicitly,only items posted in company code 0001 to business area 1000 aredisplayed in the list.

    Simulation of credit assignment
    If you display items in a due date list and set the indicatorSimulate Credit Assignment, you can simulate a credit assignmentin the due date list. For more information, see the field help.

    Rules for balance limit
    The balance limit must be assigned to a subtotals level for the items.This level must correspond to the highest level of the subtotals of thelayout.
    The currency is only used internally to translate the amounts in orderto compare the balances. Each balance is displayed with its owncurrency.

    You can output the list of items either in ALV format (ABAP List Viewer:short lists that are suitable for online processing), or in classicprint format (better option for long lists). For each item, the systemchecks the authorizations for the company code and the business area.

    Additional output
    For the evaluations below you can also write the line items to adataset. The items are transferred to the dataset with the DDICstructure FKKOP_COPY, either in binary form or as text. The name of thedata set is defined using the logical path FICA_OPEN_ITEMS and thelogical file name FICA_OPEN_ITEMS (for report : Name of user,: Current date, : sequence number in day; for massactivity : Date ID of run, : ID of run, :interval number).
    You can use transaction FPO7 to evaluate the items stored in the datasetlater.

    In the context of customer enhancements, you can also display additionalinformation for items using structure FKKOPRU and events 9560, 9561,and 9562.
    Structure FKKOPRU contains two includes, SI_FKKOPRU_FOR_SELECTand SI_FKKOPRU_FOR_LAYOUT, where you can use fields from bothincludes in the layout. You can also use the fields in structureSI_FKKOPRU_FOR_SELECT in the custom selections for items.

    These fields are filled in event 9560. If you require additional fieldsfor the evaluation of these fields, you can determine these in event9561.
    In event 9562 you can determine texts for the totals headers.

    Authorization checks
    To fulfill the German Principles of Data Access and Verifiability ofDigital Documentation (GdPdU), in addition to the standardauthorization checks (company code and business area), you can also usethe report to carry out authorization checks for the auditor. Thecontrol data for these checks is in tables TPCPROG, TPCUSERN
    , and TPCDATEN.
    In table TPCPROG, you can activate the checks for programRFKKOP04.

    Technical settings
    You can use the object and parameter variant for selecting largequantities of data that would otherwise end with a short dump. There canbe two reasons for a shortdump:

    • The evaluation takes too long, which can lead to a termination of the
    • SQL selection. If you enter an interval variant, the report splits theselection into several intervals in accordance with the variant entered.You maintain interval variants in transaction FQD2.
      • Too many items are selected in the memory and these have to be sorted in
      • an internal table because there is no database index that supports thelayout of the list. If the internal table is larger than the amount ofmemory available, this can lead to an ABAP termination. In this case, donot select a due date list. Set the indicator Only Output TotalsItems so that no line items are displayed. When you select an object,the report executes a sorted SQL select but does not save all items.Note, however, that the selection of the object should cause the largestmaster data restriction possible, since otherwise there is aconsiderable negative effect on the performance of the SQL select. If,for example, you enter a contract account interval as a selection, youshould select VKONT as the object. This enables the SQL server tooptimize the selection and sorting using an index.
        We recommend that you run the report for open items during a time periodwhen no parallel postings or clearings are being performed at the sametime. Otherwise the accuracy of the report cannot be guaranteed. Thereason for this is that the report opens multiple cursors when theselection is made.
        If you want to run the report during a time period when other postingsare being made in the system, then set one of the following indicatorsto ensure the correctness of the report:
        • If you are using an Oracle database, set the Use
        • Single DB Cursor indicator.
          • Set the Lock Interval indicator if you are
          • using a database from a vendor other than Oracle.
            Enter GPART or VKONT as the object, and enter an intervalvariant. The report then attempts to lock each interval before selectingitems. If the lock is not successful, the system issues an errormessage, but continues with the evaluation.