Programme SAP RFKKKA00 - Data Transfer from Account Statement to Payment/Returns Lot


Transfer of Data from Electronic Account Statement in Payment andReturns Lot
The report selects payments, returns, payment orders, and checkencashments that were imported into the bank data storage during theprocessing of electronic account statements of the component CashManagement (TR-CRM).
The data determined for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)can be directly transferred to a payment lot, payment order lot, orreturns lot. Check encashments are not saved in a lot, they are postedimmediately in the transfer program. As an alternative to the transferto a lot or direct posting (check encashments), you can output selecteddata from the bank data storage to a file. You can import these into apayment, payment order, or returns lot in a subsequent step, or forcheck encashments, run the posting.
You transfer the files created to payment, payment order, or returnslots with the FI-CA transfer programs RFKKZE00 (payments, paymentorders), RFKKRL00 (returns), or RKKCR00 (check encashments).
The system decides which lot type a payment item is to be transferred tofrom the bank data storage using the business transaction and the +/-sign of the amount.

Transfer of Data from Multicash Files to Payment and Returns Lots
When you convert country-specific bank formats into the MultiCashformat, you can use this report to transfer data from a MultiCashstatement and sales file to payment and returns lots in FI-CA. Toprocess MultiCash files, you have to make the system settings describedin the Prerequisites section.


System settings in Financial Accounting
In the Implementation Guide for Financial Accounting, choose BankAccounting -> Business Transactions -> Payment Transactions ->Electronic Account Statement ->Make Global Settings for the ElectronicBank Statement.
Define a transaction category for each country and assign the followingexternal transaction codes and the corresponding +/- sign to thesetransaction categories. To do this, choose Assign ExternalTransaction Codes to Posting Rules. You only have to make thespecifications in the columns ExtTrans and +/- Sign. Notethat to post negative amounts, you have to maintain the externaltransaction codes for positive and negative amounts.
Credit for bank collection in BRL: External transaction code ADand +/- sign +
Receivable for bank collection in BRL: External transaction code AD and +/- sign -
Credit for bar code in BRL: External transaction code BCand +/- sign +
PBS: For payments in DKK: External transaction code 236 and +/-sign +
PBS: For payments in DKK: External transaction code 237 and +/-sign +
PBS: For reversed payments in DKK: External transaction code 238and +/- sign -
PBS: For payments transferred back in DKK: External transaction code239 and +/- sign -
Credit for reference payment in EUR: For credits, external transactioncode P and +/- sign -
Receivable for reference payment in EUR: For adjustment postings,external transaction code P and +/- sign +
Receivable for reference payment in EUR: For returns, externaltransaction code R and +/- sign -
Credit for CSB57 in ESP: External transaction code 20 and +/-sign +
Receivable for CSB57 in ESP: External transaction code 20 and +/-sign -
Credit for CSB57 in ESP: External transaction code 70 and +/-sign +
Receivable for CSB57 in ESP: External transaction code 70 and +/-sign -
Notification about insufficient funds for CSB19.2 in ESP and EUR:External transaction code 90 and +/- sign -
Receivable for bank giro in SEK: External transaction code 51 and+/- sign +
Credit for bank giro in SEK: External transaction code 20 and +/-sign -
OSR: Credit in check lot
One of the following external transaction codes 652, 662,672, 682, 658, 668, 678, or 688 und +/- sign -
OSR: Debit in check lot
One of the following external transaction codes 655, 665,675, or 685 and +/- sign +
ISR: Debit in payment lot
One of the following external transaction codes 002, 012,022, 032, 102, 112, 132, 008,018, or 028 and +/- sign +
XML: Credit in returns lot
One of the following external transaction codes ESR, BGI,PCA, PCI, PGD, PGI, ZAW, or BGD and +/- sign +
The external transaction codes are based on the specifications for thestandard formats published in Switzerland.
Assign the transaction codes to the bank clearing accounts.
For Denmark, enter the bank key 9999.

System settings in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA)

Settings for incoming payments
The report requires that all payments, payment orders, returns, andcheck encashments that are to be transferred to FI-CA are managed in aseparate house bank account that contains only postings determined forFI-CA.
All items from the electronic account statement that have an externaltransaction code classified as Payment, Payment Order, Return, or CheckEncashment are transferred to FI-CA.
Make the following settings under Business Transactions -> Payments-> Processing Incoming/Outgoing Payments:

  • Define Bank Clearing Accounts for Payment Lots

  • Define Clarification Accounts

  • Define Transactions for Transferring Electronic Account Statement

  • Enter the external transaction codes and specify whether they are forpayments or returns.
    • Define Interpretation Rules for Note to Payee
    • Settings for returns
      Make the following settings under Business Transactions -> Returns:

      • Configure Returns Reasons

      • Define the returns activities and charges.
        • Assign Returns Reasons to House Banks

        • Assign your enterprise-specific returns reasons to the returns reasonsof your house bank.
          • Define Bank Clearing Accounts for Returns

          • Define Charges Accounts for Returns

          • Define an account for posting returns charges.
            • Define Transactions for Transferring Electronic Account Statement

            • Enter the external transaction codes and specify whether they are forpayments or returns.

              In addition to the header and item data transferred or posted in theFI-CA lot, you can use the following events for which you have to enterthe relevant installation-specific modules under ProgramEnhancements -> Define Customer-SpecificFunction Modules :

              • 0950

              • 0953

              • 0954

              • 0956

              • 0957

              • 0958

              • 0959

              • 0960

              • 0963

              • 0964
              • Note

                Transfer of Data from Electronic Account Statement in Payment andReturns Lot
                For all transactions specified in Customizing that are to be transferredto payment, returns, payment order lots or as check encashment, thepostings for subledger accounting are performed in FI-CA. Notetherefore, that no postings are run in posting area 2 (subledgeraccounting) for the transactions to be transferred to the lot whenposting the electronic account statement in Cash Management.

1575693FPB17: Runtime Error BCD_BADDATA
1341567FPB17: Runtime error CONVT_CODEPAGE