Programme SAP RFKKINTEGR_MASS - FI-CA Integration (Parallel)

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If you want to run the reports for integration and reconciliation for alarger number of reconciliation keys, you can use this report todistribute the reconciliation keys to several background processes.

You can run the following reports in parallel:

  • General Ledger Transfer

  • Profitability Analysis Transfer

  • Check Totals Records

  • General Ledger Reconciliation

  • Value Flow FI-CA -> CO-PA
  • Features
    The reconciliation keys are processed in the selected interval number orinterval size. The number of totals records per reconciliation key isthe basis of the interval size.
    You are free to define the maximum number of jobs that can be runsimultaneously.

    Select the required activity and, if necessary, restrict the selectionof the reconciliation keys to be transferred or checked using the optionReconciliation Key or Closed On.

    When you start the report, you can specify a variant for the report tobe run in parallel. Note that the entries on the selection screen ofreport RFKKINTEGR_MASS overwrite the specifications of thevariant if there is a conflict.

    The application log is output in the form of a hierarchically sequentiallist. A header entry is created for each job run. The status of thereconciliation key processed in this job is output in the second listlevel.
    If you select Detail List, for each job a spool request iscreated with the detailed information.

    In an update run, the reconciliation keys are transferred or adjustedautomatically. No automatic adjustment is possible for the value flow inCO-PA.