Programme SAP RFKKGPSH - OBSOLETE: In future use transaction GPSHAD_NEW

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The report has been replaced by transaction GPSHAD_NEW with Release6.00. See the documentation for transaction GPSHAD_NEW.
This report fills the shadow table for business partner data with thebusiness partner data that already exists in the SAP system.
If you have set the indicator BP Tab, a shadow tableis run for the business partner data in the SAP system. You have to runthis report if you have already managed business partner data in the SAPsystem before setting this indicator.


  • For performance reasons, this report locks the entire business partner
  • set and not just a selected quantity. This means that you cannot changebusiness partner data in the system while the report is running.
    • Start the report in the background.

    • You can fill the shadow table for groups of business partners. Since you
    • do not have to completely fill this table immediately to use it, you canfill the table gradually using restricted business partner intervals.
      • If you make central conversions independently of business partner
      • maintenance (for example, changes to the postal code), you have toupdate the table again with the extracts using this report.

        In the Implementation Guide for Contract Accounts Receivable andPayable, the BP Tab indicator is set under TechnicalSettings -> Activate Performance Improvement for Mass Runs.