Programme SAP RFKKGL20 - Check General Ledger Documents

This program reconciles General Ledger (FI-GL) and Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable (FI-CA). To do this, it compares the transferredFI-CA totals records withthe documents posted in the general ledger during the transfer.

For postings that were entered with a partner company (
VBUND), FI-CA determines the company ID to be used. You cannotoverwrite this value during the transfer to the general ledger (FI-GL).

The selection options offered on the initial screen refer exclusively tothe posting data in FI-CA.
If you select the Adjustment Run indicator, reconciliation keyswith errors are automatically adjusted in background processing.

The data is output as ALV grid control. Depending on the selection youmake on the initial screen under Output Options, the listcontains all totals records selected and line items, or only the totalsrecords and line items for which the program has determined a differenceduring the reconciliation.
For the output of the detail display, SAP provides a standard variant,whereby you can also configure your own list variants.

  • In the standard variant, the individual totals records are displayed
  • opposite the corresponding line items. The totals records and line itemsfor adjustments are grouped. Each group ends with a reconciliation item.If there are differences, the reconciliation items with differences havea red traffic light, and those without differences have a green trafficlight. Differences can occur for all amount fields, that is, even forthose that are not displayed. For differences in the account assignment,the line items from the general ledger cannot be assigned to the totalsrecords from FI-CA and are therefore separated in a group by areconciliation item.
    • Using the Variant option, you can call a specific variant by
    • making an entry in the corresponding field. If you do not enter avariant explicitly, the default variant is called. If no default variantis defined, and you do not select a variant, the display uses thestandard variant. You can create, change, and save variants in thedetail display of the reconciliation.

      You can correct differences that have arisen due to a termination ofposting, for example, and that you cannot subsequently post, byselecting the relevant menu path from the output list. If you set theAdjustment Runindicator, then the correction isperformed directly in background processing. Line items with errors arereversed by an offsetting posting. Afterward you have to post theseitems again. Start the transfer to the general ledger
      in correction mode.
      By selecting (by means of hotspot click, in the menu under
      Environment -> Accounting or by choosing the Accountingpushbutton) a line item (document type FIGL) you can navigate tothe selection of the follow-on documents for accounting.
      By selecting a totals record by hotspot click on the reconciliation key,in the menu under Environment -> Document Itemization or bychoosing the appropriate pushbutton, you can navigate to the documentitemization in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.

1080874Summarization of tax items in BSET with AWTYP FKKSU
1086103PSCD and RE-FX: RFKKGL20: KONTT and KONTL differences
386701FP-DIFF-GL: FI-CA reconciliation differences for general led