Programme SAP RFKKET00 - Extract for Accumulated Open Item Balance Audit Trail

Program RFKKET00 creates the extract (balance audit trail dataset) forthe balance audit trail of customers, vendors and G/L accounts managedon an open item basis. The extract is sorted from an open item point ofview (cleared items and open items).
Four processing types are possible:
First creation of a dataset
Periodic creation of a dataset
Reading data from the database into several work files
Archiving the dataset of data records.
The dataset contains master record information and line iteminformation for each account.
You should always choose the automatic selection. This way you can besure that all items are written to the dataset.
All open documents whose entry date (system date) is before the upperperiod limit are always selected. Cleared items are only selected iftheir entry date (system date of the clearing) is between the lower andupper period limit.
When merging the newly selected data from the document file with thelast dataset of the balance audit trail, the open items of the olddataset are principally left out. These are either inserted into thenew extract again as open items or if cleared in the meantime, ascleared items from the document database. If the items from the olddataset and the credit entry match, the item is always extracted fromthe credit entry (document file).
Open items in the balance audit trail dataset are not transferred tothe dataset if the new data is imported from a work file. If the sameopen item is in the dataset and in the work file, the item is skippedin the dataset.
Cleared items on the dataset for which clearing was however reversed,are removed from the dataset and transferred with the current statusinto the system again.

Create a logical name for the dataset file. Define 3 generations for adataset as a security measure.
If you do not enter a logical name, you must enter the physical file
names in the parameters defined for this.
If the extract is output to work files, you must determine these workfiles. If necessary, check whether this requirement has been met.

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