Programme SAP RFKKESCSB19_1 - Output File for Bank Data Validation (CSB 19 Annex 1)

This report creates the outgoing file in the payment medium format CSB19.1 for the housebank and account ID specified in the selection screen.Based on the selection criteria, the report updates the output file withthe details of the direct debit accounts of the business partners withdirect debit account in the specified housebank

You have created a payment medium format ES_DD using transaction FQP3and attached the following function module to the corresponding event
20: Event for Submitter header record ,,
21: Event for Issuer header record ,,,,,,FM: FKK_VALIDATE_ES_DD _21
30: Event for Compulsory individual record ,,,,,,FM: FKK_VALIDATE_ES_DD _30
31: Event for Issuer total record ,,,,,, FM: FKK_VALIDATE_ES_DD _31
40: Event for General total record ,,,,,, FM: FKK_VALIDATE_ES_DD _40

The system outputs the direct debit account details of the selected
business partners and contract accounts that would be sent to the bankfor validation.

you must implement the enhancement section if you want to include theaccounts of business partners in banks other than the specifiedhousebank. By default only direct debit account in the specifiedhousebank and their company code are selected.