Programme SAP RFKKDMSAR01 - Archiving of Management Data for DMS

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Report RFKKDMSAR01 carries out the first step in archivingmanagement data of the Document Management Service: Writing data to thearchive.
Report RFKKDMSAR02 carries out the second step:Deletion of this data from the database based on the archive previouslycreated.
The archiving object is FI_MKKDMS.
The program uses the event for the determination of the business partnerto check whether the data can be archived.
On the initial screen for archiving, you enter an archiving key date.The system compares this key date minus the retention period with thedate on which a business partner was determined for the document. Onlyentries that are before this date are archived in this run. You definethe retention period for the management data in the Implementation Guidefor Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Basic Functions-> Document Management Service -> Configure Document Categories.
In addition, the program checks whether the application still needs theentry. It does this using the Deletion Permitted function module definedin the IMG under Basic Functions -> Document Management Service ->Define Application Objects.
In accordance with the SAP standard, the log only issues a successmessage that states that entries for the archiving object were archived,or an error message that entries were selected for the archiving object,but that they could not be archived. For the exact number of archivedentries for each archiving objects, see the detail of the log. Usetransaction FPDMS to determine why an archiving wasnot possible.