Programme SAP RFKKCOPO - Post Collection Agency Receivables

The collection agency transfers information on outstanding amounts usingthe enterprise service CommissionedOutstandingCollectio
nsERPBulkConfirmation. The information received is stored duringprocessing of the service inbound interfaceCommissionedOutstandingCollectionsERPBulkConfirmation_In; theinformation is stored in the following database tables with statusInbound - Open:

  • DFKKCOLLITEM: Information on collection units

  • Uncollectible amounts, such as interest and charges, that you charged tocustomers are stored here. This information is processed by reportRFKKCOPN (SAP Easy Access screen: Account -> Submit forCollections -> Process Collection Agency Information.)
    • DFKKCOLLPAYM: Information on collection payments

    • Payments reported by the collection agency, which were collected fromcustomers, are stored here.
      • DFKKCOLLPAYMLINK: Assignment between collection payments and
      • collection units
        Payment information related to collection units is stored here. Thisinformation is processed by report RFKKCOPN (SAP Easy Accessscreen: Account -> Submit for Collections -> Process CollectionAgency Information).
        This program reads the data from table DFKKCOLLPAYM and postssummarized receivables to the contract account of the collection agency.The system uses the clearing account of the collection agency as theoffsetting account. The system summarizes the receivables based on the grouping key for collection payments and thecurrency key.
        If processing is successful, the system sets the status to Inbound -Processed. If there are errors, the status is set to Inbound -Error. Data with Inbound - Error status is automatically readduring the next run of the program that has the appropriate selectioncriteria.


        • Selection for grouping key and collection agency

        • Reconciliation key for the posting
        • Output

          • The report creates and posts documents for collection agency postings.

          • It creates an application log that displays the collection agency
          • postings.

            You can track the processing status of the individual items of datareceived in the Monitor for Collection Services (FKKCOLL_MONI)transaction (SAP Easy Access screen: Account -> Submission forCollection -> Monitor Collection Services.)