Programme SAP RFKKCOPM - Read Collection Agency File

Read Collection Agency File

The collection agency transfers the information about the arrears in theform of a file. Program RFKKCOPM reads this file.The system reads thepayment information contained in the file, and checks which items areincluded in the amount, namely collected and non-collected payments, aswell as interest and charges levied on the customer.
If interest and charges are included, the system posts these as interestand charge requests. In order for you to be able to post incomingpayments, the program creates a payment file, a check file, or a creditcard lot file.
You can write off uncollected and therefore uncollectible receivablesdirectly.
The company usually pays charges for each data record in the file (fixedamount or percentage). The charges are paid to the collection agencybusiness partner and posted automatically. You can add to the chargesitems using a function module called up in event 5068(FKK_SAMPLE_5068).
If you want to use the automatic search function in the fieldName ofStatement File, we recommend that you use the following namingconvention for the file name on the application server:COLL_Client_CompanyCode.

You have submitted the receivables to a collection agency usingtransaction FP03D or FP03DM. If the collection agencyhas collected thereceivables and forwarded them to your company, it can forward thisinformation to you in a file. The program transfers the payment datafrom the application server file. Note the following:

  • All fields must have character format.

  • Every line can only contain one structure.

  • For each file the program expects:
    • One collection agency file header (structure FKKCOLLH,
    • record type 1)
      • Any number of items (structure FKKCOLLP, record type 2)

      • One collection agency file footer (structure FKKCOLLT,
      • record type 9)
        This sequence must be strictly adhered to.


        • Entry of the source file of the collection agency in the application
        • server file, disk drive/hard drive
          • Entry of the target file with the payment lot information in the
          • application server file, disk drive/hard drive
            • Data for posting interest and charges receivables levied on the customer

            • Write-off parameters

            • Data for posting the collection agency charges

            • Schedule payment lot posting

            • For simulation mode, select Only Test File.
            • In the test run the programdoes not create data media.



              • The report creates a file with payment lot information with:

              • One file header record (BFKKZGR00 structure) per file
                One payment lot header (BFKKZK structure)
                You can enhance this as required in event 5066(FKK_SAMPLE_5066).
                Any number of items (BFKKZP structure), additional selections(BFKKZSstructure), and extensions to the note to payee (BFKKZVstructure)
                You can enhance this in event 5067(FKK_SAMPLE_5067).
                This sequence must be strictly adhered to.
                • ALV control list with output of payments, interest requests, and charges
                • requests
                  • The fields Payment Amount, Uncollectible Amount,
                  • Customer InterestRequest, and Customer Charges Request are updated inthe table DFKKCOLL(management data for the submission of receivables to collectionagencies).
                    • The report issues incorrect data records (payment lot header and payment
                    • items), together with their numbers and lines in the application serverfile in a log.

                      If the report RFKKCOPM has determined correct payment lot datarecords(see log), call up the report for transferring payment data(RFKKZE00).To transfer the data from the application server file to a payment lot,make entries in the required fields and select the fieldProcess File.See the documentation for report RFKKZE00.
                      Alternatively, you can schedule the payment lot using reportRFKKCOPM bysetting the indicator Post Payment Lot Immediately.
                      You can write off uncollected and therefore uncollectible receivablesdirectly. To do this, choose Write-Off Parameters, set theindicatorWrite Off Items Directly, and enter the specifications forthe posting.The system automatically writes off items that the collection agencyreports as not collected in the file.


                      The business partner and contract account are used as selection categoryif you have specified a business partner and/or a contract account butno document number in the file item.
                      The document number and collection item number cannot be determined inevery case. This does not apply to the business partner and/or contractaccount number.
                      As an alternative, the collection agency can specify the payment form IDas payment reference and thereby enable automatic assignment of incomingpayments to the collection items submitted. The prerequisite for this isthat the indicator Payment Form ID for Collection Agencywas set onsubmission, and all items submitted for a business partner were groupedunder one payment form ID.
                      If you do not know the document number of payment form ID, programRFKKCOPM cannot update table DFKKCOL_LOG(payment settlement log).
                      You can update the status of the collection items (fieldDFKKCOLL-AGSTA)when you process the incoming payment in event 0020. See thedocumentation of the function moduleFKK_COLL_AGENCY_PAYMENT.

1418721RFKKCOPM: Runtime error CONVT_CODEPAGE