Programme SAP RFKKCOLL - Submission of Dunned Receivables to Collection Agencies

Report RFKKCOLL creates a list of dunned receivables for submission toan external collection agency. The dunned business partner items to besubmitted are decided by the "Selection via dunning history"specification and any additional selection specifications.
Specify at least one of the following parameters:
Date of dunning run
ID characteristic
Business partner
Contract account.
These specifications are used to determine the open items via thedunning history. Additional selection specificationsrestrict the selection even further.
To submit dunned receivables, you also need to specify the businesspartner collection agency. The business partner collectionagency can be determined using event 5060, or you can specify itwhen you start the report. Specifying the business partner at the startof the report overrides event 5060.
Using Simulation, you can display a simulated list of thespecifications. No change is made to the database.
Via Submit receivables, the database changes to the document arecarried out. If a submission file is to be written to the applicationserver, you must specify the name of the file with the path.

All dunned, open business partner items that correspond to theselection criteria are separated according to the relevant collectionagency and output in a list. The list contains a total of receivablesto be submitted per business partner, and a total per collectionagency.