Programme SAP RFKKCM_BRFTRACE_DISPLAY - Collections Management: Display BRF Trace

This program displays BRFtraces that the dunning proposal run stored for each dunning notice.

The dunning proposal run created BRF traces.

You can call the program as follows:

  • On the SAP Easy Access screen, by choosing Periodic Processing ->
  • For Contract Accounts -> Dunning -> By Collection Strategy -> DisplayBRF Traces
    • If the dunning proposal run has already been run, and it recorded BRF
    • traces, then in the dunning proposal run itself (on the SAP Easy Accessscreen, choose Periodic Processing -> For Contract Accounts ->Dunning); on the Dunning Parameters tab page, choose the @10@Trace pushbutton.
      • In the dunning history, in the history display, by choosing the @10@
      • Trace pushbutton. Or from the menu, choose Goto -> DisplayBRF Trace.
        Displaying the BRF traces involves two steps. In the first step, youselect the dunning groups for business partners. In the second step, youdisplay the BRF traces for each dunning notice.
        For the first step, the display is in the ABAP List Viewer. Select therows you want in the results list. Choose the @10@ BRF Tracepushbutton in the toolbar (or choose Goto -> BRF Trace in themenu).
        By choosing the @10@ Dunning Data pushbutton in the toolbar (orby choosing Goto -> Dunning Data in the menu), you can displaythe dunning data for the selected rows.

        Entering the run ID and date ID is optional. However, to improveperformance, we recommend that you enter a value or a value range here.

        The system displays the dunning data in the ABAP List Viewer.
        The system displays the BRF trace in the form of a tree hierarchy inwhich you can navigate. In the BRF Object column, you can clickon a BRF object to display detailed data for it.