Programme SAP RFKKBU00_NACC - Open Item Account Balance Audit Trail from the Document File

Program RFKKBU00 produces a balance audit trail of all customer, vendorand G/L accounts run on an open item basis, showing all the open items.

In addition to the general open item account data (name, address,reconciliation account), the list produced by this program contains allthe transaction data from the period selected. The customer and vendoraccount transaction data is sorted by sales from open item accounts orfrom special G/L transactions.
The line item display can either display the amounts posted with +/-sign, or the debit and credit amounts in separate columns.
Sales from open item accounts are sorted by reconciliation account. Ifa particular vendor or customer account has more than onereconciliation account (due to the reconciliation account having beenchanged in the master record during the reporting period), thetransaction figures are sorted by reconciliation account within thecustomer/vendor account itself.
Special sales are sorted by special G/L indicator.
Transaction data is sorted within each special G/L transaction typeinto cleared and open items and displayed separately. For this purpose,all items that were open at the end of the reporting period areconsidered to be open items. This includes items that were clearedsince the end of the reporting period. These items are placed at theend of the list of open items and marked with their clearing documentnumber and the characters '+++' when printed or displayed on screen.
One-time accounts are also recognized by the program and displayed asabove. All customers and vendor items posted to a one-time collectiveaccount are listed identically to standard customer and vendor items.Note, however, that the total of the one-time account line items isdisplayed in the account total for the one-time collective account(which is displayed below the one-time account line item display).
Additional summary data is issued for each account (or one-timeaccount), company code and account type.
Possible errors and reasons for system terminations:

  • The minimum selection you must make in the selection screen is an
  • evaluation type (customer, vendor or G/L accounts). If you do not makethis specification, the program run terminates.
    • 'Balance of cleared items not zero with clearing document number xyz'.
    • This error occurs if not all the items from a clearing transactionexist in the specified period. If you receive this message you shouldcheck the selection of the period concerned. This error may also becaused by incorrect data; you may therefore also have to check thedata.
      Micro-fiche line layout (variable part)
      • Account type

      • Company code

      • Account number

      • Reconciliation account