Programme SAP RFKKBRINC00 - Convert Bar Code Bank Statment to MultiCash (Brazil)

You use this program to convert electronic bank statements in the barcode format into MultiCash format. The program is for use in Brazilonly.

To use the program with Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable(FI-CA), you must make a number of Customizing settings; these aredescribed in the program documentation for theData Transfer from Bank Statement to Payment/Returns Lot program.In event 0963 listed there, you can enter function moduleFKK_BSTM_RETURN_REASON_0963, which extracts house banks' return reasonsfrom notes to payees for return lots.
In addition, in the Implementation Guide for Contract AccountsReceivable and Payable, under Business Transactions ->Payments -> Incoming/Outgoing Payment Creation ->
Define Payment Agreement for Payment Medium (Brazil), you need tomaintain any paymentagreements you have established with banks regarding the collectionof business-partner payments.

The program reads the format-specific electronic bank statement fileeither from your PC or from a file system, and generates two files inMultiCash format: a statement file and a line item file. The statementfile contains general data relating to the bank statement (for example,the statement number, the total debit amount, the total credit amount,the currency, the house bank account number, and the total number ofitems in the line item file), and the line item file containsinformation about the individual transactions. Once the program hasconverted the statement into MultiCash format, it automaticallytransfers it to FI-CA, if you set the Further Processingindicator. There, it is processed by the Data Transfer from BankStatement to Payment/Returns Lot program (RFKKKA00).