Programme SAP RFKKBI_EDR_RJ_MON - Monitor Provisionally Rejected EDRs

This program displays provisionally rejectedEDRs according to yourselection criteria. You can reload provisionally rejected EDRs, orpermanently reject them from the monitoring.
The EDRs displayed in this list could not be correctly processed by thesystem during the loading process. That is why they have not been billedup to now.

You can only use the Reject EDRs function if your authorizationprofile contains the correct authorizations. The results list onlydisplays EDRs that match your authorization profile.

You can reload provisionally rejected EDRs in the results list.

  • To do this, select the EDRs, and then choose Reload EDR.

  • The system now attempts to reload the EDRs. Successfully loaded EDRs canthen be billed. EDRs for which the reload failed are retained in therelevant table for provisionally rejected EDRs.
    The system displays the results of the reload process in a log. You candisplay billable EDRs using the Monitoring: Billable EDRstransaction (transaction code FKKBI_EDR_MON).
    You can permanently reject provisionally rejected EDRs from themonitoring.
    • To do this, select the EDRs, and then choose Reject EDR.

    • The selected EDRs are now removed from the results list of provisionallyrejected EDRs and included in the evaluation for the permanentlyrejected EDRs. These EDRs cannot be billed and cannot bereloaded.
      You can display the permanently rejected EDRs using the
      Monitoring: Permanently Rejected EDRs transaction (transactioncode FKKBI_EDRWO_MON).

      You can modify the ALVlayout in the output list. You can use your own standard variants ormake variants available to other users.