Programme SAP RFKKBI_BILLREV02 - Reverse Billing Document (Individual Reversal)

You can use this report to reverse billing documents.
You can reverse both billing documents that have been invoicedand those that were not invoiced.

To be able to reverse invoiced billing documents, you have to set theReversal of Invoiced Documents indicator. Otherwise, the systemselects for reversal only billing documents that were not invoiced.
When reversing invoiced billing documents, keep in mind that the systemgenerates a new invoicing order for the reversal billing document. Youstill have to invoice this order so that the negative items can beposted in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.
The system rejects the reversal in the following cases:

  • The billing document is already reversed.

  • The billing document is a reversal billing document.

  • The billing document is an adjusted billing document.

  • The billing document is a simulation document.
  • Selection
    In this report, you can select the billing documents for reversal usingthe following criteria:

    • Business partner

    • Contract account

    • Billing document number

    • Origin process

    • Selecting by business partner/contract account is only possible for acombination of a business partner and contract account. If you enteronly a business partner in the selection screen, the system requeststhat you select the contract account for the business partner.
      If you enter the billing document number directly, this takes precedenceover the other selection fields. To improve performance, reversingarchived documents is only possible by entering the billing documentnumber. In this way, the system prevents searches of the entire archivefor billing documents belonging to a contract account.
      By entering an origin process, you can further limit the number ofbilling documents that can be selected. For example, entering Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable means that onlythose billing documents are selected for reversal that were created inBilling in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable.