Programme SAP RFKKBI_BILLACC_CREATE_SAMPLE - Create Billing Accounts for Test Purposes

This program allows you to create billing accounts
for test purposes.
Note that you are not permitted to create billing accounts in theproduction system using this program.
Normally, billing accounts are created in the production system usingCustomer Relationship Management (CRM).
This program is merely a template.To use the test functions, youneed to create your own programs based on this program.
To create billing accounts, see also the documentationCreating and Changing Billing Accounts.

Define the billing rate types that are to be used to create billingaccount items - dependent on the billing account item type and billingrate category - in the Customizing table TFK8905.
If you use the standard SAP field definitions of the FKKBIBILLACC_I_FLATstructure to define a billing account item for a flat rate, you canpopulate the fields in the test billing accounts also using theCustomizing table TFK8905.
First create the contract accounts and the business partners for whichyou want to create billing accounts.

The system creates a billing account for each of the selected contractaccounts. You can use the available selection parameters to define ingreater detail the billing accounts to be created.

The following selection parameters are available:

  • Contract Account

  • Billing Account Type

  • Billing Cycle

  • Billing Group

  • Billing Account Item

  • You can define a list of billing account item types. For each billingaccount, the system creates a billing account item for each of thespecified billing account item types.
    • Selection Parameters for the External Reference of the Billing
    • Account
      Each billing account needs an external reference. You can specify theexternal reference by the following means:
      External Reference Category
      External Reference
      Here you define the external reference as CHAR 32. Note that anexternal reference can be assigned to one billing account only. If youwant to create billing accounts for more than one contract account, youmust use the following selection parameters for consecutive numbering.The external reference specified here is used as a template forconsecutive numbering.
      Parameters for Consecutive Numbering
      If you want to create a billing account for more than one contractaccount, you need to activate consecutive numbering for the externalreference.
      Start Number for Consecutive Numbering
      You can select any number as the start value for consecutive numbering.By default, the numbering starts with 00000001 (see example).
      • Selection Parameters for the Billing Object

      • Dependent on the billing account item type the system assigns a billingobject to the relevant billing account item.
        You can specify the billing object by the following means:
        Billing Object
        Here you define the billing object as CHAR 50. If you want tocreate billing accounts for more than one contract account, you cancreate individual billing objects per billing account using consecutivenumbering.The system uses the billing object specified here as atemplate for consecutive numbering.
        Parameters for Consecutive Numbering
        If you want to create billing accounts for more than one contractaccount, you can activate consecutive numbering here.
        Start Number for Consecutive Numbering
        You can select any number as the start value for consecutive numbering.By default, the numbering starts with 00000001.
        Parameter for Unique Billing Object per Billing Account Item
        When you select this parameter, consecutive numbering of the billingobjects per billing account item is also performed within a billingaccount (see example).
        • Selection Parameters for Term of Account

        • You define the term of the billing accounts to be created. The systemalso uses the defined term for the billing account items to be created.
          • Selection Parameters for the Billing Account Header Data

          • You can specify individual header data of the billing account. Thisheader data is used for all the billing accounts to be created.
            • Billing Rate Category

            • You define the billing rate category for all of the billing accounts tobe created. Dependent on the selected billing rate category, the billingaccount items are supplied with a billing rate type that is stored inthe Customizing table TFK8905.


              Example of consecutive numbering for the external reference
              You define the external reference TESTEXREF. You activateconsecutive numbering with the start value00000001. Thesystem thus creates consecutively the billing accounts with the externalreference TESTEXREF-00000001, TESTEXREF-00000002,
              TESTEXREF-00000003 , and so on.

              Example of consecutive numbering for the billing object
              You define the billing object TESTBIOBJ. You activateconsecutive numbering with the start value 00000001. Thesystem thus creates consecutively the billing accounts or billingaccount items with the billing object TESTBIOBJ-00000001,
              TESTBIOBJ-00000002, TESTBIOBJ-00000003 , and so on.