Programme SAP RFKKBIXBITUPLOAD - Transfer of Billable Items from File

You can use this report to load billable items from a file.

The file is stored in one the following places:

  • On the DIR_HOME directory of the application server

  • On the local PC of the user

  • The file has the following format:
    • The first row contains the clients to which the data is to be uploaded,
    • and the billable item class (BITCAT).
      • All remaining rows contain, in the first column, the
      • record type (IT = main items, PY = payment dataitems, TX = tax items, TT = text attachments), followed by fields thatare to be uploaded to the corresponding record-type-dependentstructures.
        • The system does not process any rows that do not contain one of these
        • record types in their first column.
          • The character between the client and the class in the first row (4th
          • character) becomes the separator for the entire file.
            • A period is the expected decimal separator.

            • The system always expects amounts to have 2 decimal places. If the
            • currency of a transferred amount has a different number of decimalplaces, then you have to convert these amounts accordingly before thetransfer.
              Example with 5 decimal places
              6.12345 must be transferred as 6123.45.
              Example with 0 decimal places
              12345 must be transferred as 123.45.
              Then the system automatically displays and processes the amountscorrectly.
              The relevant structure is /1FE/1<(><<)>bitcat>0<(><<)>recordtype>API.Here <(><<)>bitcat> stands for the four-character billable item class.(See Customizing for Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable under
              Billing in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable -> Billable ItemClasses -> Maintain Billable Item Classes.) <(><<)>recordtype> cancontain the following values:
              • IT for main items

              • PY for payment items

              • TX for tax items

              • TT for text attachments

              • You can use report RFKKBIXBITUPLOADSAMPLEFILE to create a sample file.
                You specify the processing rules for billable items in Customizing forContract Accounts Receivable and Payable under Billing in ContractAccounts Receivable and Payable -> Billable Item Management ->Define Processing Rules and ProgramEnhancements.

                To load the file from your local PC, choose the Load Local Filepushbutton.
                If you set the Test File Only indicator, the system does not savethe uploaded data.