Purpose You use this report to generate a list of documents posted inContract Accounts Receivable and Payable> (FI-CA) that correspondto value-added tax (VAT) operations. INCLUDE FICA_AR_SALES_TAX_PURPOSE OBJECT DOKU ID TXPrerequisites INCLUDE FICA_AR_SALES_TAX_REQ OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE FICA_AR_SALES_TAX_VERSIONS OBJECT DOKU ID TX INCLUDE FICA_AR_TAX_REPORTS_TEXT2 OBJECT DOKU ID TX Selection You can specify the following information on the report selectionscreen:
- Company code (single one only)
- The dates which the report is to cover
The reporting date refers to the invoice posting date; the reportincludes all documents with anofficial document number>that were issued during the specified interval, regardless of when theactual tax obligation arises.