Programme SAP RFKKAR12 - Archiving of FI-CA Documents: Reload

trados = fi

Report RFKKAR12 reloads a document archive during documentarchiving in Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA).
Report RFKKAR10 creates the archive, and report RFKKAR11deletes the documents from the database.
The related archiving object is called FI_MKKDOC.
When you reload an archive, all changes that the deletion program hasmade to the database based on the archive are reset. This means that foran archived document, all structures and change documents are written tothe database again. However, you have to manually remove archive indexeswritten by the deletion program.
You can currently only reload archives in the reverse order to creation.This means that you have to reload the last archive created first. Thisrestriction results from the archiving strategy. This is the only waythat you can ensure that first the cleared document (with the businesspartner item) and then the clearing documents are reloaded (documentswithout business partner items) thereby keeping the clearing documentconsistent.