Programme SAP RFKKAR10 - Archiving of FI-CA Documents: Write

Report RFKKAR10 carries out the first stage of document archivingin Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable (FI-CA): It creates anarchive with FI-CA documents. Report RFKKAR11 carries out thesecond step: Deletion of the documents on the basis of the archivecreated previously.
The related archiving object is called FI_MKKDOC.
Documents are analyzed in two steps to check whether they can bearchived (archiving strategy).
In the first step you have to archive clearing documents and statisticaldocuments. This is the prerequisite for being able to archive otherdocuments in a second step.
If you do not adhere to this sequence, the system cannot archive therequired data in an archiving run.
All structures belonging to an FI-CA document, as well as changedocuments, are archived.
In Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable, clearing documents sharethe open items with other documents. If you want to display suchclearing documents, the missing open items are simulated. If suchclearing documents are archived, all the open items that are missingwith this document are archived as a copy. This means that everydocument in the archive is self-explanatory.
When you delete documents, the program updates an archive index inaccordance with the archive information structure SAP_FICA_DOC001
for the archive information system.
The following checks prevent a document from being archived:

  • Checks at document header level:

  • Error DFKKKO-01: No entry for document type of the document in tableTFK003
    Error DFKKKO-02: Entry date of the document is before the minimum entrydate (System date - minimum number of days in the system)
    Error DFKKKO-03: Residence time not yet reached (posting date +residence time > archiving key date)
    Error DFKKKO-04: Reconciliation key to which the document was posted hasnot yet been transferred
    Error DFKKKO-05: Payment document for an uncashed check not allowed tobe archived
    Error DFKKKO-06: Document with highest number from company code must notbe archived
    Error DFKKO-07: Telecommunications tax data not archived
    Error DFKKKO-Xnr: Application-specific checks of document headers (
    event 0500)
    Error DFKKKO-Ynr: Application-specific checks of document headers (
    event 0501)
    • Checks at open item level:

    • Error DFKKOP-01: Open item (clearing document number, clearing date, orclearing status not set).
      Error DFKKKOP-02: End of residence time not yet reached (clearing date +residence time > archiving key date)
      Error DFKKOP-03: Clearing document has not yet been archived (no checkis made with statistical items)
      Error DFKKOP-04: Company code not selected
      Error DFKKOP-05: Open item on balance sheet key date (posting date <(>
      <<)>= key date and clearing date > key date) (no check is made withstatistical items)
      Error DFKKOP-06: Alternative document not archived yet.
      These could be installment plans or collective bills.
      Error DFKKOP-07: Less than 90 days have passed since the collection itemwas cleared
      Error DFKKOP-08: Revenue distribution not yet completed
      Error DFKKOP-09: Documents of business partner are currently locked (forexample, due to reversal, reset of clearing, or return)
      Error DFKKOP-10: Document is a collective bill and still references openoriginal documents
      • Checks at repetition item level:

      • Error DFKKOPW-01: Open item (clearing document number or clearing datenot set)
        Error DFKKKOPW-02: Residence time not yet reached (clearing date +residence time > archiving key date)
        Error DFKKOPW-03: Clearing document has not yet been archived (no checkis made with statistical items)
        Error DFKKOPW-04: Open item on balance sheet key date (posting date <(>
        <<)>= key date and clearing date > key date) (no check is made withstatistical items)
        Error DFKKOPW-05: Alternative document not archived yet.
        These could be installment plans or collective bills.
        • Checks at G/L item level:

        • Error DFKKOPK-01: Company code not selected for archiving
          Error DFKKOPK-02: Transfer to Profitability Analysis not executed
          • Checks at level of copied open items: (Statistical items are not copies)

          • Error DFKKOP_C-01: Company code not selected
            Error DFKKOP_C-02: Open item at balance sheet key date (posting date ofclearing document <(><<)>= key date and posting date of cleared document> key date)
            Error DFKKOPW_C-03: Obsolete; no more real open posting items exist
            Error DFKKOPW_C-04: Obsolete; no more real open posting items exist
            Error DFKKOP_C-05: Less than 90 days have passed since the collectionitem was cleared
            Error DFKKOP_C-06: Documents of business partner are currently locked(for example, due to reversal, reset of clearing, or return)
            • Checks at deferred revenues level:

            • Error FKKDEFREV-01: Deferred revenues not transferred completely
              • Checks at level of total document

              • Error DOCUMENT-01: Balance of document is not zero
                Error<(><<)>STRUCTURE>-XNN: <(><<)>STRUCTURE> stands for the respectivestructure, NN stands for the number of the check.
                Application-specific checks of the document (
                event 0505)
                This archiving object was reworked in the interest of standardizing andoptimizing data archiving. You can use the standardized archiving objectby activating the business function Data Archiving: Standardizationof Archiving Objects (DA_ARCHOBJ_STANDARD_1). For for information,see the business function documentation in the Switch Framework(transaction SFW5).
                If in this case you do not use standard archiving, the residence time isdetermined externally. Since the following entries are no longer used,the corresponding fields are not active:
                • Minimum Days in the System

                • Archiving Key Date

                • Balance Sheet Date

                • Additional Residence Time (Write Off)

616364FI_MKKDOC Secondary indexes for AS SAP_FICA_DOC001