Programme SAP RFKCON00 - Display/Confirm Critical Vendor Changes

Program RFKCON00 is used for displaying and changing the vendor'sconfirmation status (LFA1-CONFS, LFB1-CONFS).
The confirmation status provides information as to whether sensitivefields have been changed in the vendor master record, and whether thechanges have been confirmed or rejected by dual control.
The user defines the sensitive fields in the master record in theCustomizing table T055F. When a change is made to a sensitive field, apayment run block is activated for that account, and the confirmationstatus "To be confirmed" is set.
The authorized user can change the confirmation status eitherindividually, or by calling up the list generated by this program anddouble-clicking on the account to be confirmed.
Changes made to general data and company code data are confirmedseparately.

You can use the selection criteria to limit the number of vendors andconfirmation statuses displayed. You can also limit the display to theaccounts which you are authorized to confirm.
The confirmation status is represented by a colored stoplight:

  • GREEN Confirmed

  • YELLOW To be confirmed

  • RED Rejected

877705Dual control: Changes remain effective despite rejection